Are the needles safe?
All needles used are sterilized and disposed so they are very hygienic and safe.
Do they hurt?
鍼は髪の毛ほどの細さで、想像されている注射針とは全く異なります。感受性や症状によって多少の違いはありますが、鍼治療は本来痛みを伴うものではありません。痛む場合はその場で遠慮なくお伝えください。The needles are finer than hair, completely different from syringe needles that you imagine. How it feels varies between individuals and symptoms. However acupuncture doesn't hurt you in ordinary cases so in case of unbearable pain, please just say so without hesitation.
What is Moxa?
もぐさはよもぎの葉を乾燥して作られます。葉の裏側のふわふわした毛だけが集められます。Moxa is made of dried mugwort. Only the under side of leaves are gathered and dried.
Is moxibustion too hot?
お灸の効果を得るには、熱刺激が必要です。しかし我慢する必要はありません。熱すぎる場合は遠慮なくお伝えください。Heat stimulation is essential for moxibustion to be effective, but no need to bear. Same as needle stimulation, please tell me if its too hot.
Any side effects?
副作用はありません。しかし治療後若干だるさを感じることがあります。これは体が自分で治そうとしている良い反応です。まずは十分に休んでください。No side effects but you may feel bit tired after treatment. This is only your body is trying to heal itself. Take plenty of rest.
During pregnancy?
鍼灸治療は体調が悪くてもお薬が使えない妊婦さんに、ふさわしいと言えます。妊娠何週目かを必ずお伝えください。It is suitable for pregrant woman as they can't receive medication treatment. Please tell me the weeks in the pregnancy prior to the treatment.
Being treated in a hospital or under medication?
鍼灸治療を加えることで、現在の治療効果が高まることがよく見られます。現在の治療や投薬を妨げることはありません。安心してお取り入れください。Acupuncture & moxibustion may increase the effectiveness of the treatment in a hospital and the medication, but never make bad effect to it.
他にも疑問やご心配がありますか?是非お気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。For some more inquiry, please feel free to contact me.